
Dr. 克里斯汀·门罗, Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) Medical Director at the 纽约医院 恢复中心; Kerry Norton, RN, Executive Director of 港湾山的希望; Sally Keck, LADC and Clinical Supervisor at the 纽约医院 恢复中心; and Jessica Parker, Director of Development at 港湾山的希望.


自1989年以来, National Recovery Month is observed every September to promote and 支持 evidence-based 治疗 和恢复 practices, the strong and proud recovery community, and the dedication of service providers and communities who make recovery possible.

纽约医院 恢复中心 recently partnered with local organizations to promote programs and services that 支持 recovery in Seacoast-area communities. 周二, 9月19日, the team presented a live webinar, “From the Power of Prevention to the Hope of Recovery,和博士一起. 克里斯汀·门罗, Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Medical Director, 埃里克•科, LADC and 恢复中心 Director, 还有莎莉·曼尼宁, Director of 选择健康. 的 community event was open to all and featured helpful updates and progress reports from partners in the fields of prevention, 治疗, 和恢复.

Guest speakers included clinician Lacey Bailey, CADC, BS, the 选项 liaison for York County, Maine. 选项 provides intensive outreach, co-response, 减害, 支持, and connection to recovery resources for individuals with substance use disorders. Recovery Coach Susie McKenna shared information about peer-to-peer recovery resources, and all attendees were eligible to receive free Narcan® for overdose prevention.

周四, 9月21日, representatives from 纽约医院 participated in an Opioid Community Roundtable at 港湾山的希望, a brand-new facility in Rochester, NH, for pregnant and parenting mothers. Executive Director Kerry Norton, RN, 主持活动, which is part of a series of ongoing, quarterly meetings comprised of community representatives from healthcare, 执法, 紧急服务, 教育, 预防联盟, 当地政府, social service agencies, and corporate and foundation partners. After sharing updates on the work being done in Southern Maine and New Hampshire to promote access to prevention, 治疗, 和恢复 resources, the community partners toured the impressive facility for women in need of housing and healthcare.

Dr. 克里斯汀·门罗, Medication-Assisted Treatment Medical Director at the 纽约医院 恢复中心, congratulated the team at 港湾山的希望 and their vast community of 支持ers for their incredible work to provide women in recovery with the resources they need to live full and healthy lives and care for their children.

“As Kerry and her team at 港湾山的希望 know first-hand, helping people achieve recovery can be difficult work. To witness the amazing network of wrap-around 支持ive services, hear stories of success, and feel the excitement from all involved is truly awe-inspiring. We look forward to partnering further to strengthen prevention, 治疗, 和恢复 resources for those most in need across the communities we mutually serve,”医生说。. 门罗.

关于 纽约医院 恢复中心

纽约医院 恢复中心 is the Seacoast area’s premier outpatient 治疗 program for patients with substance use disorders and for those affected by others’ use. If you need help, call (207) 351-2118.

关于 选择健康

选择健康 is a Healthy Maine Partnership and Drug-Free Communities Coalition serving the southern York County towns of 伯威克, 艾略特, Kittery, 北伯威克, 黎巴嫩, Ogunquit, 南伯威克, 井, 和纽约. For more information visit us at or contact Sally Manninen, Director, at (207) 351-2655 or (电子邮件保护).

关于 港湾山的希望

港湾山的希望 provides gender-responsive residential, outpatient 和恢复 支持 substance use disorder services for pregnant, 产后, and parenting women in NH. 的 organization also provides recovery 支持 housing for women and their children as well as case coordination for women seeking resources and 支持 on their journey to access 治疗 和恢复 支持 services. For more information contact (电子邮件保护) or call (603) 841-5353.